Close up of bike wheel in leaves
Rock-proof baby carrier
Ah, this is my bicycle. If you go to the center of Utrecht around 5:00, you can buy flowers when the flower stalls are closing-up for the night. You get more flowers for less. This night I wanted a few sunflowers. Eager to get rid of their stash and replenish it in the morning, the flower sellar gave me about twenty-five sunflowers. The bundle was too unwieldy to bike with under my arm (what most Dutchies do) so I had to tether them to the back of my seat with my orange scarf.
Jewish bike. I found it sort of funny that someone left their yarmulke (the most commonly recognized piece of jewish garb) beside the bike on the railing overlooking the canal. One puff of wind might have gone sailing
Yellow and blue contrast with bikes
Heineken is manufactured in Holland. I have not been to the headquarters, but they are located in Amsterdam. Heineken is the prefered beer here. Though I prefer wine, most young people opt for beer. Their parents drink wine with most meals. Wine is far cheaper here and it can be bought in greater variety than in most American grocery stores. There is plenty of wine that can be bought for two euros a bottle. (Don't worry Rotary, I drink in moderation. ) :)
Autumnal bike
Bike prank: One often sees bikes, still locked to the railings, that have been turned on their wheel or are hanging off into the canal. Each year they have to dredge the canals for bikes. I am told they pull up hundreds...
Fall-hued bike
Action bike!
I guess bikes are not permitted here...
Graffiti is fairly common in the Netherlands. It seems to be more artfully crafted than the graffiti I have observed in the United States. Most often, the graffiti appears on construction sites (the wood planks and scaffolding surrounding buildings) and not on the buildings themselves.
Hi Paula, just discovered your blog. I like it! It's always nice to see how internationals react to what they see around here. You see stuff that I don't even notice anymore! :)
ReplyDeleteBut, just one thing... Heineken is not exactly the preferred beer here... ask around among students and I bet none of them will list Heineken as their favourite... They might even say it tastes like dishwater ;)
Also, I think the grafitti near the library is commissioned, because it has taken quite a while since it was finally finished (and someone who's doing it illegial would make sure to finish quick, right?)
see you soon I hope
x judith
(form the theory-class)
Ah, Paula, I am laughing tears over your BIKE posts, the colors....I am looking for a photo of you that I know I saw somewhere....Christine in Maine