Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My New Blog!!!!

Dear Friends,

I am living and volunteering as an English teacher in Palestine/ the West Bank/ Israel for three months. Do not worry, I am safe. The city here is one of the most friendly and awesome places I have ever lived in. There is no violence.
Life is safe. Since everyone knows each other here in the city of Nablus there is also no theft or harassment towards tourist at all. The people here are lovely. Please subscribe to my blog to follow my travels here. While in the West Bank I hope to be able to speak at or attend the only Rotary Club in Palestine. Also, when I return to the States I shall have a few weeks before I head back up to Maine to teach. If you would like to arrange me to speak at your Rotary Club, social group, church or organization, please let me know. It would be a pleasure. You can follow my blog by typing the following into google:

shwei arabic in occupied territory the sun also rises

In Peace (English), Salaam (Arabic), Shalom (Hebrew), Paula